Care Design NY Member Spotlights
Meet some Care Design NY Members and learn their inspirational stories!

Meet Shaun!
Meet Care Design NY member, Shaun. He is an athlete and participated in the Special Olympics New York events for 16 years. His involvement has provided him with year-round activities and a big circle of friends and supporters. Shaun is single and lives in the Long Island region and enjoys social events and networking.

Meet Donny!
During the COVID-19 pandemic when the world shut down, Care Design NY member, Donny, used this time to learn ventriloquism. With fewer than 400 professional ventriloquists in the world, this is a rare art and very challenging to master.

Meet Brice!
The Epilepsy Foundation Northeastern New York recently featured Care Design NY Member, Brice Skiff, in an inspiring “1 in 26” story on his selfless acts to fundraise for their Foundation and educate his peers on the fourth most common neurological disorder, epilepsy, through his life experiences.

Meet Emily!
Care Design NY member Emily is a senior at Northport High School. When asked about the recent Friendship Ball hosted at Northport High School that she attended on April 21, Emily was all smiles.

Meet Ben!
Care Design NY Member Ben has Autism and shares with us his experiences at work, at home, and tells us about his hobbies and fun activities he enjoys.

Meet Adam & Rudy!
Meet two Care Design NY members and artists, Adam and Rudy, who recently participated the AHRC NYC art exhibit at Young Israel of Sunnyside in Queens, NY

Meet Veronica!
Care Design NY member, and Individual & Family Liaison, Veronica, has been working with her DSPs since she was in middle school. Her DSPs and the Respite program she attended gave her the opportunity to be a part of the community. She attended different places and felt like she had the same experiences as everyone else did.

Meet Sergio!
According to his mother, Sergio has been waiting for a bus to take him to school or a day program or a therapist appointment since he was just months old. She stated, "It suddenly dawned on me one day that Sergio would be waiting for a bus every day for the rest of his life, and I had better find him a comfortable place to sit while he does all that waiting." Select READ MORE to read Sergio's mother's heartwarming story!

Meet Aidan!
Aidan demonstrated an interest in painting at a very young age that continues today. Now in his teen years, Aiden has developed a proficiency in art through the Barrett Art Center in Poughkeepsie NY and is exploring a variety of art mediums. While he prefers acrylics on canvas, he has created collages, Papier-mâché, and watercolors at the Center. Aidan recently entered the five unique and vibrant works below in the Kingston Annual Art competition.

Meet Jose!
Jose, a Care Design NY Member, is an artist who communicates visually through Graffiti. His interest began at age 15 when a cousin and high school friends introduced him to the lettering technique in their Bronx neighborhood. Sandra, Care Design NY Care Manager, stated, "I am so proud of Jose, I feel like his mother. He has a great support system. His family is behind him 100% and Alexandra, a member of his wonderful staff is outstanding."

Meet Joe!
Joe is an artist, poet, songwriter, author, and video producer and often has various projects in the works. Learn all about Joe, a Care Design NY Member, his mother Carol, and "Carol & Joe's Xtra-Ordinary Life," a long running cable series on the Manhattan Neighborhood Network (mnn.org) that was conceived and produced by Joe and his mother.
Care Management Impact Stories: Working to Achieve Positive Outcomes

A Care Manager Wears Many Hats
It is the best feeling in the world when you achieve a daunting goal that at the time seemed unsurmountable. This is how one Care Design NY Care Manager describes an almost one year project.

Critically Ill & Alone In The Hospital
As hospitals all across New York State restrict visitors, because of the risk of spreading the infectious COVID-19 virus, many critically ill patients find themselves in medical solitary confinement. This frightening new COVID-19 reality is especially profound for individuals with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities (I/DD).

Individual's Prescription Perilously Low
Individuals with Intellectual and/or Developmental Disabilities (I/DD) often have some types of co-occurring chronic medical conditions. Depending on the level of support they require, their quality of life and survival can depend upon the daily assistance of care givers to meet their most basic needs and provide critical supports and services.

When the State Shut Down, Advocacy Opened A Door
When the COVID-19 pandemic struck last year, the coronavirus ravaged services for people with disabilities leaving many at risk. In a fortnight and without warning, people with I/DD lost the services that supported their being included in their communities.

Supporting Members Through A Life Transition
Most individuals with Intellectual and/or Developmental Disabilities (I/DD) require support throughout their lives. Thanks to advancements in medicine, adults with developmental disabilities are living longer and healthier lives. This means that for individuals with I/DD, whose parents did not want someone else caring for their child, they and their parental care givers are aging in place together.

COVID-19 Creates Education Challenges & Obstacles
The closing of all schools and mandatory stay at home orders during the COVID-19 emergency health crisis have been especially challenging for individuals with Intellectual and/or Developmental Disabilities (I/DD) and their caretakers. Individuals with I/DD often thrive on routine and structure.
Member Employment Stories:
Celebrating Disability Employment Success
Care Design NY members are sharing their employment journey stories to elevate disability employment awareness. These stories describe the diverse experiences of people with disabilities and the employers that are benefiting from the dedication these talented individuals bring to their professional roles.
Did you know that one in four individuals in the U.S. have some type of disability, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)? Did you know the employment rate for a New Yorker with a disability (age 18 – 64) is 31.2% compared to 72% for a person without a disability, resulting in a gap of 40.8% according to New York State (click here)? The COVID-19 pandemic disproportionately affected many who have already faced significant barriers to employment, compounding their economic hardships.
We must use our voices and advocate for creating more accessible and inclusive workplaces by becoming informed on the value of hiring people with disabilities.
A person with a disability recently summed it up the best by stating, “my disabilities do not define me. My abilities do.”
Please join us in widening the lens by elevating awareness on what needs to be done to remove barriers in the workplace, so individuals who have a disability have the opportunity to access meaningful and well-paying jobs. Do you know an organization that is moving the dial on disability employment by removing barriers?