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Care Design NY

Compliance Program

The purpose of Care Design NY's (CDNY) Provider Compliance Program is to assure corporate compliance and promote corporate integrity. It is Care Design NY's commitment to ensure an environment that promotes the highest ethical conduct and compliance with applicable laws, regulations, policies, and procedures. Care Design NY has a Compliance Program aimed at establishing a culture that promotes prevention, detection, and resolution for any misconduct or violation of the Compliance Program. 

Compliance Officer

The Compliance Program includes communication lines to the Compliance Officer that are accessible to all employees, persons associated with Care Design NY, including individuals served and their families and advocates, executives and Board of Manager members, to allow compliance issues to be reported. These communication lines include a method for anonymous reporting. Any compliance issue reported to the Compliance Officer will be taken seriously and investigated. 

Who Can File a Report?

Anyone, may report a suspected violation of the Code of Conduct, Compliance Guidelines, operational policies, any law or regulation, or any other concern to the Compliance Officer.


Compliance is everyone’s responsibility. Report your concerns anonymously using our Compliance Hotline.

PHONE: 1.855.252.7606

ONLINE: Compliance Resource Center
Note: Enter "CDNY" in Organization Name field when filing a report online.

  • Telephone and online reporting
  • Report anonymously and confidentially
  • Toll-free, available 24/7
  • Multilingual specialists available
  • Staffed by a third party vendor

Care Design New York
C/O Compliance Officer
8 Southwoods Blvd
Suite 110
Albany, NY 12211