Erik's Story
Erik, a Com Hab employee, shares his thoughts on the role of Com Hab and how community engagement fosters friendship & goodwill.
“My name is Erik, I have been working with the developmentally disabled for over 15 years. I work with Allen, Edger, Nick and Mark currently. For around 8 years working one on one with them through community habitation. The four clients I support have come together through group activities that has grown into good friendships and a great support system.
Allen and Mark live independently in their own home in the community. They have come together with Edger and Nick that live in a shared house two other individuals with disabilities, where they learned to support each other with cleaning, cooking and growing as individuals. Every week Allen and Edger look up, find recipes they can make as a group. This has allowed Edger to introduce Allen to new cooking skills, following the recipe and ways to cook healthier option. They work together weekly creating and discovering new foods while they support each other with the cooking process.
This small group of peers are spending three to four days with each other, doing activities, group shopping or planning out future events. This past year they planned and executed four activities together. The group went to new England six flags, split rock falls in the Adirondacks, Lake Placid and a weekend full group camping trip. These trips involved them planning and coordinating with each other both while on shift and independently. They accomplished all aspects of their trip. This included research, date and time planning, where to stay, financial responsibilities for each of the friends going and improvising while doing the activity.
They also have helped with the salvation army becoming a staple in their ranks. They have assembled over 3000 food boxes for the holidays during the pandemic. They assisted the salvation army with their Covid-19 drive-thru food pantry and have moved on to managing one of the food distributions programs. They fully set up the gleaning program for the salvation army. Their duties include set tables up, signs, food(organized into categories), guide and assist the members on the community through the line as well as clearing up the area before the events activities.
These men have come together through Covid and other obstacles to create a strong phone and communication system. Once the pandemic restrictions were lifted this translated into a strong support network for one another that has continued and grown stronger. I feel that utilizing group activites has improved my clients lives and given them outside support the can utilize outside of family and staff. With the individual living as a group together has allowed them to live independently and supporting each other with life issues and day to day living skills.
Salvation Army Recognition
The Salvation Army of Glens Falls, NY recognized Erik and the clients he supports for their contribution to the Salvation Army's COVID-19 drive-thru food pantry. Watch the video below!

Do you have a great story you would like to share with our readers? It could be a story about yourself or someone you know living with a disability, or even about how a Care Manager or disability service provider has impacted or improved your quality of life or that of a loved one.