Nick's Story
“Hello, my name is Nick and I have had Cerebral Palsy my whole life. Yes, it has impacted me both positively and negatively. Even though I have had a lot of positive things that happened to me by having Cerebral Palsy I also had a lot of negatives that had affected me as well. I also have Hydrocephalus by the way as well. What I mean by negatively is I have been told in the past that I wouldn’t amount anything because of my disabilities. Especially when I was younger people doubted my abilities to be a successful and productive member of my community because of my physical disability which is Cerebral Palsy plus also have Hydrocephalus. They thought that I wouldn’t graduate with my actual graduating class and I would stay in school until I was twenty-one-year-old. However, I fooled them by not staying in grade school until I was twenty-one.
After they thought I only graduate by maxing out twenty-one they said I would have to stay an extra year and once again proved them wrong by not even staying an extra year of school. I actually graduated four years with my actual graduating class at Hudson Falls. To top it all off I even graduated as a member of the Sandy Hill Chapter National Honor Society. Therefore, I have it I haven’t let my illness define who I am as a person because I am so much more than that. What I mean by that is I try to put my best foot forward and live my life to the best of my abilities.
My parents and I decided that it would be best to take some time to figure out the best move for me after graduating high school. I attended Southern Adirondack Education Center formerly known as BOCES where I found my true calling in Graphic Arts and Visual Communications where I, my Certification. After the two years there I basically sat at home watching TV and playing video games with no social interaction with no one other than my family but most of the time I was alone because my parents were both working and my two siblings were in or doing extra-curricular activities that I could not take part in. Not to mention sometimes I felt like that could been me doing that, however, with my disabilities, I was not able to that truly broke my heart and I was very depressed.
Lots of time during the day I had no transportation to access the community, and frankly, I was bored out of my mind. I am very social and giving and I want to help people in some way. I used to think that being disabled was such a drag and I would ask myself why God would make me this way. People would tell me that I would not be able to do anything with my life, but sit at home and do as I was doing at the time. However, I thought they were wrong, but here I am, sitting at home.
I am currently enrolled at SUNY Adirondack Community College majoring in Media Arts and I am planning on getting my Bachelor’s in English. It’s my dream and my goal to write and illustrate my own Graphic Novel someday with these degrees. By telling my unique story to the world it will show them even though I am disabled I can still learn and grow my mind; along with making a positive impact on this world. The truth is you just never know who you may touch or inspire. “You Just May Start A Chain Reaction;” with my chain reaction, I want a chain reaction of kindness, not hate. By doing this I am trying to make the world a better place to live by spreading love, hope, and kindness to everyone I know.
My hobbies are writing, drawing, and reading. I also like to watch TV; movies and I listen to music. I am pretty much open to anything with movies and music pending on my mood at the time. Another thing, I like to do is to have fun with my friends and family. I really like to spend time with my girlfriend Emily; when I have the time. Yes, Emily and I are planning to have a future together despite the challenges that come our way. We already have overcome a lot already because we did it as a team. There isn’t anyone I rather share my life with and overcome the challenges that come our way. Another challenge that I overcame is in 2017 I started CosPlaying and started my Comic-Con journey which, opened a whole new world for me. Which lead to doing small-town theatre acting in 2019 as part of my New Year’s Resolution because I wanted to step out of my comfort zone more than already have. As a CosPlayer,
I also thought it would be a great next step for me to get noticed in the world I love. I just thought that it would help build my self-confidence where should be. I also thought by helping myself with my self-confidence. So, that it would help others grow as well. Plus, I figured that it would help me make great new friendships and connections in the Media and the Theatre world as well. I also thought that it would help me land a great job someday after I graduate.
I am also a social butterfly, especially when you get to know me. Once that happens, I am pretty much an open book once you get to know me, along with the ability to read others very well. With that being said, I ask that whoever comes into my inner circle leave their problems and worries at home. Don’t get me wrong everybody is entitled to a bad day where they need to vent a bit and yes, I will listen to them. Hopefully, by venting they will feel better afterwards. I know I do when I vent to people I trust.
I am also a huge video gamer on my PS3. The games that I mostly play are sports games because most of those games are one-handed for the most part which is to my disability. The main three games I play are NBA 2K, MLB Show, and Madden. The teams that I follow are New York Knicks, New York Mets, and the Pittsburgh Steelers. When I play them, I try to keep them as realistic as possible. What I mean by that is I try to think like a General Manager and Head Coach of the teams.
Another hobby, I have is volunteering in my spare time with various charities because I love helping others in need. I especially love it when I put a smile on someone’s face because it gives me a great warm fuzzy feeling inside along with satisfaction, I did that. I’m trying to toot my own horn, but I really am a humble, trustworthy, honest, and compassionate person who wants to impact the world. Some of the organizations that I like to volunteer and raise money for are: Make A Wish Foundation, Alzheimer’s Association, Big Brothers & Big Sisters, and Out of the Darkness for Suicide Prevention. I also like to raise money for the South High Marathon Dance that happens in my area.
My goal is to raise awareness for mental illness and awareness for Cerebral Palsy because sometimes we are misunderstood. This is one of the many reasons I like to CosPlay as different characters to help others in need. I was also published in a book of short stories and poems for people with serious illnesses called This Is Serious Reaching Beyond Serious Illness Worldwide. I was also published in CosPlayzine in the November of 2019 issue. To top it all off, I am also the President of the New Media; Media Arts Club and a part of the Pi-Thea-Kappa Club which is the National Honors Society at SUNY Adirondack Community College.
With all these skills I have; I am thinking about starting my own podcast to show even people like me can also be a famous podcaster about whatever interests me at the time. I also feel like by telling my unique story I can help others tell their stories. Plus, if I share my experiences with the world, it shows them that it's okay to express yourself without fear of judgment. This is why I want to share my story with the world. I also want to show the world that it's okay to put yourself out there along with furthering your education to make a positive on the world.”

"I have been told in the past that I wouldn’t amount anything because of my disabilities. Especially when I was younger people doubted my abilities to be a successful and productive member of my community because of my physical disability which is Cerebral Palsy plus also have Hydrocephalus. They thought that I wouldn’t graduate with my actual graduating class and I would stay in school until I was twenty-one-year-old. However, I fooled them..."