Your Care Manager
Care Design NY is honored to provide you or your loved one with care management services.
Our Care Management team is committed to helping you lead a fuller life as we serve you professionally and knowledgeably. Please keep this information sheet in a handy place so that you reach us easily
If you live in a Certified Setting (i.e. IRA), your Care Manager will:
- Regularly contact you and/or your house manager.
- Help you develop your person centered Life Plan.
- Organize your annual and semi-annual meetings.
- Adjust and update your Life Plan.
- Be your advocate and help you self-advocate.
- Assess your needs and goals.
- Support you to stay healthy by coordinating preventative care and managing chronic conditions.
- Provide guidance and referral to supports, resources, and services.
- Assist you in managing transitions in life and care.
- Help you make informed decisions.

If you live in a NonCertified Setting (i.e. independently; in your family’s home), your Care Manager can help you with:
All of the above, plus:
- Coordinate your services.
- Arrange medical appointments and/or transportation if needed.
- Attend medical appointments with you if needed.
- Help you maintain or get access to benefits (Medicaid, SSI, SNAP, etc).
- Provide assistance with self-direction.
Please CLICK HERE for regional director contact information or utilize
We will return your calls and emails in 24-48 hours, if it is not an emergency. Emergency After-Hours: 1 (877) 855-3673
CDNY Main Office: 8 Southwoods Blvd, Suite 110, Albany, NY 12211 | Phone: (518) 235-1888 | caredesignny.org
Use the button below to view/download a PDF of the What to Exepect from Your Care Manager information.
The PDF provides fillable fields to record important Care Manager contact information, as well as member information and notes, for your future reference.