Why become a CDNY Network Provider?
Effective Case Management
The CDNY Mission is to assist individuals with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities
to get the supports and services.
Increased Referrals
CDNY by the Numbers
1,000+ employees
900+ Care Managers
26,000+ individuals served
29 counties
Improved Outcomes
We are proud to be partnering with new providers every day, and are committed to assisting our providers in managing the 26,000 individuals living with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities, and their complex health and wellness needs.
Other Provider Benefits include:
Value Based Care – improving outcomes through coordinated services not only improves quality of care for individuals but also bolsters organizations value in a managed care environment.
Best Practices – to offer guidance and education to best support partners in working with individuals with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities training, newsletters, and open forum meetings allow for open communication and learning.

Contact the CDNY Provider Relations
Contact the CDNY Provider Relations team and request more information about becoming a provider in the Care Design NY network